Wednesday, June 3, 2009

CRAZY week!

This will be the last sane day of my week! Lots of running and lots of fun. My husband logged in his volunteer hours at work and was selected from the pool of people who completed their logged in hours to ride on the Portland General Electric float in the Portland Rose Parade. Cool! I will be sitting with my family on some bleachers outside a bank where my daughters work to cheer at him when he rolls by. Along with the 'prize' came a Friday night stay at the deLuxe Hotel in Portland for both of us and a nice breakfast Sat morning. Then we get to go Thursday morning and help decorate the float. Here is a picture of what the float will look like this year. Ray has done this before and it is quite fun. All the floats are decorated with organic materials....nothing plastic allowed.....all flowers, grass and seeds. Ray will be on a local TV program Friday morning (I begged out since I watch the grandson that day AND he had to be there at 5am!). Throw in a meeting Thursday night with our car club and a meeting tonight PLUS getting the house ready for guests (possible) this weekend and you have a CRAZY week! I pray that your week is NOT as crazy as mine!! I'm hoping to fit a few cards in the mix but that is a MAYBE!

Edit: I just got to thinking!! The Grand Floral Parade is broadcast nationally, I is a picture of my DH! Maybe you'll see him!! This picture was taken when a shoe box swap gave Ray a present for providing us with a PGE free place to meet and then having to 'babysit' the room all day as a PGE employee.


1 Evelyn S. said...

My third attempt at leaving a comment! Hate my wireless connection! So your hubby is riding PGE's float?? That's great. I'll pay extra attention when I watch the parade on TV....not that I'll know him, though. lol

2 Laurie said...

Have fun, Ann...sounds like a good time

3 Sue from Oregon said...

Hey you social butterfly...have a great weekend. I remember that shoebox swap...the was the best!