Friday, October 23, 2009

Awful Day.....

Yesterday was not a very productive day for me.  I thought I'd sit down and quickly print out the sale flyers for my upcoming card sale.  Alas.......out of ink and the cartridge I thought I had .....wasn't.  So, I moved on to get my web page ( up and running for the sale.  Dreamweaver would NOT cooperate with me yesterday.  I spent HOURS working on it and even though I have everything in the right spots, it will NOT put my pic, header, background and the pic of my mom on the home page.  I think I may even just start over from the beginning to see if I can eliminate something I did wrong.  Maybe a web design class should be in my future.  I got the gallery page, snowglobe page and directions page all done and linked to the home page and the links even worked so at least I did something right.  Then off to praise team practice and dropped the cartridges off at Walgreens to be refilled.  Forgot to pick them up on the way home and had to make another trip to get them.  At least I got the flyers printed off last night so the whole day wasn't a waste. gotta get some stamping organ/piano practice and a smidge of housework. 

Bottom any web page production hints for me?  I'll take them all!!

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear of your bad day, but I guess it really makes us appreaciate the good ones even more. I do hope your weekend goes better


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