Sunday, October 25, 2009

My website for my sale!

Yeah!!  My darling son came today and helped me solve some of my website issues.  Thank you sweetheart!  I have my own website to show some of my cards to the people I have invited to my home card sale.  It is a very simple site.  You can see it here:  Once we got the pictures into the correct directories and created a site on my home computer for the files (I guess it was different than a directory), then my problems were eliminated.  There is a picture of my mom on the site too.  She is 84 as of yesterday!  I think she is a pretty good looking lady for her age!  Other than playing at church, getting the website done and spending a little time with creating got done today!  Tomorrow, I'll have to really get on the ball again.....only one week left!!

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  1. How exciting, ANN! I am going to go check it out right now!

  2. Wow, Ann! Fabulous site and selection of amazing cards :)!! I hope your sale is a huge success!

  3. OMG! Ann, your cards are fantastic. And I've made & sold a ton of those snowglobes, so I know the work involved! You need a Big Shot Express!!!


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