Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Old Sick old Lady out of the box.

Hee hee.......I just had to do another 'out of the box' technique.  They are so fun and so effective.  This card also uses paper piecing.  The chair, pillow, Old lady's dress and sweater are paper pieced.  Talk about little pieces!  They were smaller than they looked at the beginning.  The image is one that I got used from Novell at a SCS shoe box gathering we had in Oregon.  I believe it is an Art Impressions stamp.....that old lady's fingernails look pretty familar.  It is funny though that the block of wood has no company listed only "factory second'.    The only second part about it must be the block of wood and the image on the top of it....they are kind of mushed.  I'll try to do one more get well card design for my sale then on to something different.  Hope you enjoy her!  I think her name is Ethel....what do you think?

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