Sunday, April 22, 2012

I've been published!

After such a 'down' day because of the wrecked car, today in the mail I received a complimentary copy of Stamper Sampler Catch Up issue.  That meant only one thing......I had been published!  Woo Hoo!  I'm on page 91.  You can get your own copy at news stands on May 1st.  It is really filled with some great artwork!  Lots of names I know that I noticed in there as well!  I looked everywhere for my photo of the card....couldn't find....maybe tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ann...wonderful news on getting published but what a shame about your car!!! It looks totaled to me,but I am glad your hubbie is okay!! Hopefully you will get enough to replace it, cuz it sure was a BEAUTY!!!


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