Friday, November 1, 2013


We are now back from a most wonderful celebration of our 40th anniversary.  We were in Honolulu, Kauai, and Maui.  We took a gazillion pictures.......I haven't even had the chance to weed through them yet.  I'll probably just plop in a few here and there as we go through them. 

The first day we were at the condo in Maui (Oct 21), we thought we snorkel on the beach right across the street to practice before our snorkeling trip the next day.  Having never snorkeled before, we thought it would be a good time to get used to the equipment.  Long story short........I got washed into a shallow reef by a wave and in the effort to push myself away from the reef, my index finger (right hand) came into contact with a black sea urchin.  I said some very choice words into my snorkel.  So....bleeding and hurting I go back to the room and google how to treat myself.  Got Vinegar to soak my finger in (you could see the black poison under the skin) followed by hot water.  Repeat.....   Did that for two days and the finger was feeling pretty good.  It wasn't until we were flying home on the 29th that it began to swell.  The doctor said that this is typical when you have had tissue trauma......okay for a while then it rebels.   I had gone to urgent care and they put me on two different antibiotics.  She told me that if the redness and/or swelling got worse to go to the ER.   At that time the swelling and pain were to the first joint.  By the next morning,  it was swollen past the second joint so I went to ER.  They did an ultrasound to make sure there was no puss and no spines left.  None of, an IV of antibiotics and a different prescription of antibiotic to take the place of one of the ones the DR prescribed the day before.  Sheesh!  But, I am hoping that everything is healing up now.    Not how I planned to end my vacation. 

Anyways........back to some stamping information.  RubberStampMadness magazine is ready for their newest issue to hit the shelves.  The cover is shown on my sidebar so you know what to look for.  They are asking for submissions for their summer issue. 

MUSIC is one of the themes for the Summer 2014 issue of RSM. We'd love to see what you stamp on this topic. Perhaps include your favorite song or musical instrument, singer, band or orchestra in your artwork. JEWELRY is the second themeWe will publish a variety of stamped jewelry. Click here for details: Note: If it's easier to send in a jpg of the jewelry, rather than the original piece, send that to  Dec.10 is the final postmark date or e-mail date for artwork submissions. 


I've been published a number of times in is easy to submit, give it a try!

Now for a few Maui Sunsets!

1 comment:

1 Shirley said...

TFS about your vacation. Do not feel alone. You make me feel human. I won't elaborate. LOLOL Glad it turned out okay. What a scare. I've heard they are quite painful like you described.